Artificial Intelligence will boom in 2022

@possessedphotography on Unsplash

We all know that 2020 and 2021 were terrible years. However, we must always look at the bright side and stay positive as much as possible. These 2 years had a great impact on technology, especially on automatization and artificial intelligence. In this article, we will pinpoint some key points that prove the machine learning focus will only grow due to the pandemic. And why you should get in on it!

@lennykuhne on Unslpash

We need more automation

Due to the pandemic, most countries in the world had to be locked down. The economy was almost frozen and some people had to struggle to survive. Nothing new here to any of us, as we felt this with our own skin.

However, countries that had more automation as part of their economy fared better during those times. And so did the countries that had more advanced technologies, from agriculture to production lines.

The pandemic shed new light on why we need to automate as much as possible and accelerate this automation process.

As most of us know, automation is different from artificial intelligence. But it can be done using artificial intelligence. And we will need to do it using artificial intelligence.

The reason for that is simple — manual automation takes too many resources and time to develop and deploy. Artificial intelligence requires much less time than usual automation tools, especially if you have enough data.

More and more companies and industries will opt-in to use artificial intelligence as part of their technological processes as it can help automate faster and cheaper, while also improving profit margins.
@dianamia on Unsplash

Cloud infrastructure is growing

Due to the work-from-home regime that the pandemic forced on us, the cloud infrastructure is used now more than ever. New companies will emerge in the cloud industry and older ones will have to improve their capacity.

This already started happening due to both the pandemic and the increased requirements for artificial intelligence, especially deep learning. It will continue to do so

When the world will however come back to normal — a different normal, for sure — there will be plenty of infrastructures for companies to develop their artificial intelligence applications. And in the future, if you do not have artificial intelligence as part of your company, you will most likely be left in the dust by your competition.
@ryoji__iwata on Unsplash

The talent pool is growing rapidly

More people than ever start being interested in machine learning and data science. There are plenty of online courses to choose from if you want to dive in and learn on platforms such as Udemy, Khan Academy, and Coursera. Massachusetts Institute of Technology also released a free course to introduce people to machine learning. Even on platforms such as YouTube, there are plenty of materials to learn from.

Even if this domain is quite complex and requires many prerequisites if you have the passion and determination to put in the hours you will succeed in becoming a Machine Learning Engineer or Data Scientist, because there still is a big talent need on the market, and I predict that won’t change anytime soon.

With the newer generations coming in, computer savviness will be everywhere in people, so becoming a data scientist, and learning mathematics and programming, will ensure that you will always be needed.


The artificial Intelligence field will only grow and grow. It will see implementations in all areas of our life, from agriculture to Video Games.

That is why this is the perfect time to get into this field and start working on building a career as part of the AI revolution.

However, as in all things, I only recommend this if you are passionate about Artificial Intelligence and would like to actually build those kinds of intelligent algorithms. It’s a hard domain to master, so without passion, you won’t get far. But if you have the passion and the will to become someone in this field, you are up for success!
